A position involving one or
more of the following areas: software
development in a UNIX/Linux or Windows environment, web-based application
development or UNIX system administration.
I developed an
object-oriented MVC-based web application framework for building intranet applications. The software included a library of high-level
database access and web form handling routines which utilized XML files to
configure database access, component instantiation and object attributes; as
well as template-based component manager.
This framework was written to provide a base for developing intranet
applications for the bank. I also wrote
much of the code for a loan compliance system and a referral tracking
system. In addition, I trained other
developers in the group to use the new design model and software development
While at Gofish.com, I
worked on the company’s website, including their seafood exchange, web-based
auction facility and news/credit reporting system. We used Apple’s WebObjects development
toolset and application server to build the site. In addition, I wrote tools to automate data
migration from our internal systems to the external website, UNIX bourne shell, PERL and Expect
scripts to: automate transmission of
funding requests between our system and GE Finance, track changes to system cron jobs and measure the impact of data migration tools on
system performance. I also served as a UNIX resource to the other developers in
the group.
I have been consulting with local companies and writing
web-based applications in my spare time under the banner of TransWeb
Tools since 1996. One of the
applications I have written is called SPARCS
– a web-based revision control system.
SPARCS enables developers and authors to collaborate on projects over
the Internet using a web browser. I also
worked on a web-based issue tracking system called PTS. SPARCS has been in production use since
October of 1996, and PTS since July of 1998. I also made significant enhancements to the
open source version control package called RCS. My modified implementation of RCS has been
included on several Linux distribution sites.
I teach evening adult education classes in MS Word and Introduction to Personal Computers as a community service.
Installed and configured the company Internet server,
integrated it to the existing Novell LAN, and connected the 12 regional offices
to the Internet. With three other
developers, designed and developed FastPic 4.0, the company’s inventory management
software. FastPic 4.0 is a distributed, cross-platform (UNIX and MS-Windows 9x/NT)
application written in C++ that supports several SQL database products through
an ODBC interface. While at Remstar, I wrote a collection of web-based development
tools that allowed the engineering staff to do remote configuration management,
bug tracking and human resource management.
I also provided 2nd-tier technical support to the internal
support group and software support staff at Remstar.
Served as one of three members
of the ASIC CAD Software Engineering Group. While in this group, I provided UNIX and C
technical expertise to developers within the CAD department. I was one of three
team leaders with the responsibility of helping our division attain SEI level 2
(assessed in November, 1994). With two other members of the software
engineering group, I wrote a new configuration management system based on open
source core tools. We received two
cycle-time reduction/process improvement awards for this system, which cut the
time required to build and release a complete CAD software kit from one week to
one afternoon. With another engineer,
wrote electrical behavioral models in Verilog HDL to
implement BIST (built-in self-test) for Motorola and Cascade RAMs. I then
synthesized, simulated and tested these models by running our designs through
our group's EE CAD system. I was one of
three developers to work on an X-Windows replacement for the curses-based CAD
system user interface. I assisted the
department in setting up ISDN connections between engineers’ homes and the
corporate network to facilitate telecommuting. Received an
award from Motorola for an ISDN presentation to the California ISDN Users' Group.
Consulted with corporate customers of AIC; wrote AIC UNIX and 'C' skill tests that are used to screen perspective employees; served as a UNIX resource to other AIC staff engineers; contracted with Motorola through AIC as a software engineer.
Creator and later project manager of Z/Max XChange (R)
– a USENET/Internet-enabled information management system. AT&T distributed XChange internationally. XChange was very favorably reviewed in several major
industry periodicals, including UNIX
Review (June 1991) and UNIX World
(April and August, 1991). While at
Z/Max, I also designed and constructed a 110+ node AT&T StarLAN
MS-DOS/UNIX LAN for New England Telephone (now Verizon);
I wrote customized software; taught training workshops; interfaced IBM
mainframes to PC's and mini's; built IBM compatible PC's to order; repaired and
upgraded computer equipment. I also
consulted with several other large companies, including AT&T International
and NYNEX.
I was responsible for setting up, connecting and maintaining PC's, terminals, printers and other equipment on an AT&T Information Systems Network between six buildings on the campus. I also installed and administered two minicomputer UNIX servers on the network, wrote software for the University, managed the computer room facilities and student employees, taught PC workshops for the faculty and students, and evaluated/recommended computer products for purchase.
I was responsible for writing programs in ASAP (predecessor of REX) to extract statistics and reports from the university system IBM mainframe.
I wrote customized software for the
NMTC is a state-operated post secondary trade school offering associate degrees in the fields of computer electronics, engineering design, mechanics, etc. I taught two levels of physics classes with laboratory sessions. I was responsible for developing the course syllabi, exams, laboratory exercises, and grading the students' work.
Selected for "Who's Who Among
American Colleges and Universities" in 1986, Member of the Student Senate
from 1982-1985, President - University Computer Club, Member of the Presque
Isle Community Council, UMPI Cross Country team.
· Development Tools/Languages:
'C', 'C++', PERL, PHP, HTML, Javascript, WebObjects,
Java, XML, SQL, Assembler, Tcl/Tk, bourne shell, AWK, Lex, FORTRAN, Verilog HDL, Pascal, BASIC, etc.
Windows 2000, NT4, Win9x, Win CE; Linux, Solaris, HP-UX, IBM AIX, SCO UNIX, DEC
Ultrix, AT&T System V (Rel 2.x - 4.x), Data
General DG-UX, MS-DOS, Mac OS and several older systems.
Hardware Skills: extensive experience
building, upgrading and repairing PC's and peripherals, wiring RS-232 devices,
and networking PC’s.
Cross-platform software development, extensive software porting experience on
numerous versions of UNIX, object-oriented design, client/server application
development, web application development, MS Windows development.
Skills Summary
Having worked for a University, a startup software company, a large semi-conductor company and a dot-com, I have had substantial experience solving diverse types of computer-related problems. I have programming experience in a wide variety of industries, using an assortment of software tools and hardware platforms. I have extensive experience porting software applications among different dialects of UNIX, as well as experience with MS Windows/UNIX cross platform development. In addition, I have several years of experience in moving traditional desktop applications to the Web. I take an enthusiastic approach to my trade, and after 20 years of working with computers I still find them as fascinating as the first time I sat down at a TRS-80 Model I.